maanantai 25. tammikuuta 2016

Narrative The story about the icebear Tommy

Prague, Czech Republic A street performer snaps a Greenpeace polar bear campaigning against an experimental research oil drilling by Shell in the Arctic

Once upon a time there was one big, very white icebear. The icebear lived in a zoo in Newyork, and he had been named Tommy. Tommy was a star of the zoo, people always came to watch and adore him and Tommy liked it. He always posed when people took photos. Tommy seemed happy, and glad but always after a day when people had left he was all alone. He didn't have any friends to hang out. When Tommy was younger he had a friend, an other icebear with him, but he died couple years ago, and after that has Tommy been all alone. Tommy has a big cage all byhimself. There are monkey Martin who Tommy speaks sometimes, but only then when Martin gets out of his cage.
                        One Morning when Tommy was sleeping like normally, he woke up when Martin came yelling and running to Tommys cage. Tommy tried to calm Martin down but he seemed to be too exited about something what Tommy didn't understand. Martin had  an idea, that Martin and Tommy should run away from the zoo, and only for one day. At first Tommy said directly no to the idea, but eventually did Martin change Tommys head. Then one day they left the zoo, it wasn't that easy, maybe easy for Martin cause yes he is a monkey but for Tommy it was little harder, but they did it succefully.
                       Martin and Tommy had really great day in Newyork city, people did take photos of them and they liked it. The day was sunny and warm. Martin and Tommy walked in the Central park. People was beíng amazen how suddenly an icebear and a monkey just casually walks in the Central park, but Martin and Tommy didn't mid it. After a really good day in freedom and city did Martin and Tommy feel homesick already, so they decided to go back to the zoo. There they have enough food and a good place to sleep a rest. Then Martin and Tommy realized that was their home, and there they do belong.

sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2016


I chose Anssi Kelas song 1972, to my song. This song haven't really made any differences in my life, but it's important to me and I got very good memories of this song.

When I was 3 years old and went to kindergarten I met my friends who I'm still friend. From kindergarten we all, the whole group went to same elemnetary school, and we was in the same class for 9 years. So we were the same goup for 12 years. Then on 9th grade which was the last year all us together, we sang this song in schools spring festival, and i startedcrying. These lyrics are really good and they were just right for us. After that always when I hear this song all the good memories comes to my head, and I feel melancholic.
Anssi Kela was also a part of my childhood. We always used to listen Kelas songs at home with my mom and sister. That's also why I decided to choose one of Anssi Kelas songs.

Anssi Kela is a finnish musician, songwriter and singer. He was born 29.7.1972.  Anssi Kela is very popular in Finland, the listeners of his music are young and old. ANSI Kela was in a tv-show Vain Elämää in 2015. Anssi Kela has written all of his songs by himself, and also this song with I chose.

The lyrics of the song tells about maybe higschool. He sings of his friends there and how they are now.

perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016


Artikkelissa on esitetty vuoden 2016 20 eniten odotetuinta rap-albumia. Ensimmäisenä listalla on Kayne Westin ja Draken Young Thug and Kevin Gates niminen albumi. Albumilla on potentiaalia tulla suureksi hitiksi.
Toisena listalla on Kanye Westin seitsemäs albumi, Swish. Listalla on seuraavana Maclemoren ja Ryan Lewiksen duo-albumi vuodelle 2016. Wiz Khalifalla tulee olemaan kiireinen vuosi, hän on julkaissut jo 2 albumia tammikuun aikana, Khalifa ja Cabin fever. Young thugin vuosi 2015 oli sotkuinen. Hänellä on albumi nimeltä Slime season 3 tuloillaan, ei osata sanoa milloin albumi julkaistaan mutta se on ehdottomasti yksi vuoden 2016 odotetuimmista albumeista. Listalla on mukana myös nais artisti, Missy Elliot. Elliot on ollut feattaamassa mm. Katy Perryn albumilla ja Janet Jacskonin albumilla, nyt hänellä on tuloillaan ensimmäinen single-albumi.

I did choose this article, because I like to listen rap music, and I am interested in who are going to publish a new album on 2016. Every of these artists is familiar to me and I listen their music daily.


Laulujen sanat - Lyrics
Listaykkönen - Chart one
Levy - Disk
Levy-yhtiö - Record label
Keikka - Gig
Tarttuva biisi - Catchy song
Julkaista - Drop
Kappale - Piece, Song
Sävel - Melody
Kieli - Reed

torstai 14. tammikuuta 2016


Here is my favorite picture and favourite person. It's me and my sister when we were younger. I love her and she's the most important person in my life. I have always looked up on her and learned so much of her. She is 4 years older than me but still i feel like we are same aged.

Here is a photo of my hobby. This is what I do 6 times in a week and I love it. Cheerleading has given me so much and I love my team. This year we got pronse in nationals and last summer we went to European championships and got also pronse. I have won once Finlands nationals, and i can swear  it was the best moment of my life. But hard work pays off. This photo is from last years autumn fall competition where we won gold. Next summer we are going to Florida to compete. And i can't wait for this years nationals cause we are going to win.

Here is a picture of me and my best friends. We have been friends since kindergarten, when we were all 3 years old. We had this group in school and we didn't take anyone else to hang put with us. I feel like I have grown up with these. Like replay grown up, first we when we met we had just learned to talk, then we started to grow up together and now we are almost adults. This friendship is going to last forever, and I am so lucky to have these as my friends. This photo was taken on one of these girl's moms birthday party last fall. 

This is a photo of me and Banderburgs gate in Berlin. I went to see Berlin, London and Belgium last summer with my best friend. We have travelled earlier, to Spain, Itay and Switcherlad. I like to travel and see around the world, and different cultures. Travelling is what I love do.

Here is a picture of me and my friends at schools prom, year 2014. It was amazing day and I had a lot of fun. The day was memorable, I think I will remember it for the rest of my life.

keskiviikko 13. tammikuuta 2016


a. Hän on tullut tunnetuksi joukosta urbaaneista väliintuloista, muokatuista katu kylteistä, hän on ripustanut laittomasti omia töitään kuuluisiin museoihin kuten Louvreen ja Museum of modern artsiin.

b. Hänen töissään toistuu usein poliiseja, sotilaita, lapsia ja julkisuuden henkilöitä.

c. Hän kritisoi tilapäisiä ongelmia, poliittisia päättäjiä, terrorismia, ja taiteen ja sen esittämisen statusta.

1. Koska Banksy myi pienessä kojussa Central Parkissa mustavalkoisia piirrustuksia, samalla kun muut ympärillä myivät halvalla matkamuistoja. Hänen piirrustuksensa maskoivat 60 dollaria.
2. Yksi mies oli ostanut kaksi taulua aiemmin iltapäivällä.
3. Ne aiotaan huutokaupata Bonhamissa Lontoossa ja niistä voisi saada jopa 120 000 dollaria.
4. Kids on Guns on toinen tauluista, siinä on kaksi suloista pientä lasta seisomassa kukkulalla joka oli pommeista ja aseista. Toinen tauluista on Pooh Bear, karhu istumassa puun alla hunajapurkin kanssa jalka juuttuneena karhun loukkuun.
5. Hän leikki piilosta viranomaisten sekä fanien kanssa. Hän kehitti katu taiteen.
7. Koska hän osasi odottaa että Central Parkkiin tulee joku yrittäjä jos se kaipaa taidetta.

1. Ei ole yllättävää - it was not suprising
2. Järkyttävän kalliita - outrageosly expensive
3. Murto-osan hinnasta - for a fraction of the price
4. Osoittautua - proved
5. On mahdollisuus tehdä pieni omaisuus - to make a small property
6.Huutokaupataan - are going to auction
7.  Todistaa, osoittaa aitous- to authenticate
8. Voisi saada jopa - could fetch up to
9. Pinota - stack
10. Hylätty - forsake
11. Leikki piilosta - played hide and seek
12. On peruttu -  has been cancelled
13. Poliisin toiminnasta johtuen - due to police activity
14. Pystyttää myyntikoju - set up on a stall
15. Maalauksia - canvases
16. Ainutkertainen tapahtuma - one off
17. Osata odottaa - has anticipating
18. Tulla tilalle - stepping in to

Here is a link of Banksy in Wikipedia. There is a lot of information of his works and of him.
 Here is a link to tumblr, which is a website where is cool pictures. It's for young and teenagers. Here is pictures of Bankys works in tumblr.

 Here is a website where you can read of Banksy himself, his biography. You can read of his career and identity, but unfortunetly Banksys identity remains unknown.



I watched a video review of By tge sea, Hector, The forbidden room and Sisters.
Of the movie Sisters was said that the caracters are like mothers of all partys. The Hector has a Canadian director. Angelina Jolie Pitt is the main caracter in the movie By the sea, she actes a person named Vanessa. I haven't seen any of these movies, but everyone sounds intresting i think. I would like to see every of them, but maybe not the Hector it seems a bit pressing. The most intrsting movie is maybe By the sea. I love Angeina Jolie Pritt she's my favourite actress. I think i might go watch this movie. I also like that kind of movie what By the sea is. Also Sisters movie sounded rellay good, I like the actres in the movie and I like comedy movies. When you watch comedy movies you don't have to think anything and always don't have to also concentrate so much to keep in the plot.

I chose a movie that me and my friend have seen. Napapiirin Sankarit 2. Actually we went to watch it together.The movie was better what I exepted. I watched the trailer before i went to see the movie, and I didn't think it would be that funny. I also have seen Napapiirin Sankarit 1, and I think Napapiirin sankarit 2 is much better. It's common that the second part of some movie is not so good as the first. But Napapiirin sankaarit 2 was much better than the first. The genre of this movie is comedy.
The storyline of movie is that there is a wife and husband who lives in Lapland of Finland. They have one child. The husband is a little silly and doesn't take care of the child ever alone. But now the wife goes on a weekend trip to a hotell with her firend, and the man has to take care of the baby on his own. He decides to go into a wedding and take the baby with him, someone stoles the baby and eveything crazy happens. In movie there is no plot twits, the plot is kind of predictable.The caracters is movie are very good, the wife is Pamela Tola and the husband is Jussi Vatanen. There are also side caracters like Timo Lavikainen, Kari Ketonen, Miia Nuutila and Joonas Nordman. Miia Nuutila is the friend of wife and Timo Lavikainen is her boyfriend.

kassamagneetti/jymymenestys - succes
lippumyymälä - ticket office
elokuvan näyttelijät - actres of the movie
kriitikko - critic
ensiesiintyminen - debut
ohjaaja - director
päärooli - main character
juoni - plot
ensi-ilta - premiere
julkaista - publish
kohtaus - scene
käsikirjoittaja - scriptwriter
jatko-osa - sequel
elokuvan musiikki - the musik of th movie
tekstitykset - subtitle
jännityselokuva - thriller