Once upon a time there was one big, very white icebear. The icebear lived in a zoo in Newyork, and he had been named Tommy. Tommy was a star of the zoo, people always came to watch and adore him and Tommy liked it. He always posed when people took photos. Tommy seemed happy, and glad but always after a day when people had left he was all alone. He didn't have any friends to hang out. When Tommy was younger he had a friend, an other icebear with him, but he died couple years ago, and after that has Tommy been all alone. Tommy has a big cage all byhimself. There are monkey Martin who Tommy speaks sometimes, but only then when Martin gets out of his cage.
One Morning when Tommy was sleeping like normally, he woke up when Martin came yelling and running to Tommys cage. Tommy tried to calm Martin down but he seemed to be too exited about something what Tommy didn't understand. Martin had an idea, that Martin and Tommy should run away from the zoo, and only for one day. At first Tommy said directly no to the idea, but eventually did Martin change Tommys head. Then one day they left the zoo, it wasn't that easy, maybe easy for Martin cause yes he is a monkey but for Tommy it was little harder, but they did it succefully.
Martin and Tommy had really great day in Newyork city, people did take photos of them and they liked it. The day was sunny and warm. Martin and Tommy walked in the Central park. People was beíng amazen how suddenly an icebear and a monkey just casually walks in the Central park, but Martin and Tommy didn't mid it. After a really good day in freedom and city did Martin and Tommy feel homesick already, so they decided to go back to the zoo. There they have enough food and a good place to sleep a rest. Then Martin and Tommy realized that was their home, and there they do belong.
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